Pamper Days
These are days where hairdressers, nail technicians and massage therapists set up an area where residents can book pamper sessions once a month.
Animal Therapy Days
Animal therapy for seniors, is a technique that uses animals to interact with seniors to improve their health and quality of life overall. Studies show that 15 minutes with a trained dog, can increase brain activity and serotonin levels.
Enjoy a sing-a-long
Young up and coming musicians come and play instruments, and invite residents to sing along. This is done as part of our volunteer program.
Plant a flower
We provide supplies to each resident so they can plant a flower in a pot to keep in their room or just outside their room. Flowers and pots are donated by our volunteers.
Host a book club
Residents are invited to choose a book to read, then meet outdoors once or twice a week for a discussion with other residents.
Guest Speakers
We invite guest speakers and volunteers to come and share stories, hobbies and other interesting topics for our residents.
Indoor Game Days
Scrabble, Bingo, Cards, Snakes & Ladders, Trivial Pursuit are just some of the games we have to uplift our residents who are able to participate.
Exercise Together
Exercising together is a lot of fun, and we offer chair yoga, stretching, dance, or balance exercises.
Knitting & Crochet Club
The club members meet once a week to share tips and ideas, and sit and chat whilst enjoying their favorite hobby.
Outdoor Painting Classes
We encourage residents to try their hand at landscape painting. While it’s just for fun, we often discover hidden talent among our residents.
Enjoy a Picnic
Once a month we pack a bag lunch for each resident, then enjoy eating outdoors. We are sure to get input from the residents on what they want in their bags on the day.
Spiritual Care
We host a Bible study, prayer meeting, or other small religious service once a week.